Svensk Plastindustriförening, SPIF

Svensk Plastindustriförening, SPIF

About us

Svensk Plastindustriförening, SPIF (Swedish Plastic Industry Association)

SPIF is a trade organization established in 1960 for the small and middle-sized companies in the Swedish plastics processing industry and it has today about 140 members. SPIF’s activities are to satisfy the member companies’ needs for service and information in business and industry issues, legal assistance and representation in negotiations, information on new laws and regulations, financial counselling, monitoring industry issues by response to referrals from the authorities and by participation in both Swedish and international cooperation projects. SPIF is also supporting anybody interested in questions about plastics use and properties but also involved chemistry.
SPIF has also developed the web, the electronic marketplace for the plastics industry in order to assist in the members’ marketing activities. The industry association also organizes trade fairs, high-tech conferences and training programs. In addition, SPIF is the certification center for employees in the plastics industry.


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