Stand D:26 Impact Modifiers & Processing Aids The Arkema group provides the plastics industry with a OMYA AB
Stand F:25 Injection molding plastic Nolato has over 50 years’ experience in advanced injection Nolato Polymer AB
Stand E:15 Instruments for testing of rubber and plastic materials Elastocon develops, manufactures and sells instruments for testing of Elastocon Ab
Stand C:24 Insulation boards Create the best conditions for ideal thermal insulation of Meusburger Georg GmbH & Co. KG
Stand B:26 JMC – The complete supplier Our program includes most needs for the plastic industry JMC Industriteknik
Stand E:15 Laboratory and industrial ovens and furnaces for high temperatures SNOL is a company from Lithuania that started manufacturing Elastocon Ab
Stand A:3 Laboratory Container Mixer The MIXACO laboratory container mixer is ideal for mixing MIXACO
Stand E:15 Laboratory platen presses Fontijne Presses’ laboratory platen presses are used in the Elastocon Ab
Stand E:20 Lanxess Lanxess is a high performance specialty elastomeric material specifically Brenntag Nordic AB
Stand D:14 LEHVOSS – LUVOCOM®, LUVOSINT®, LUVOTECH and LUVOCOM® 3F (Customized compounds PP <=> PEEK) Mape Plastics AB
Stand G:22. LG Chemicals – POM, POE/POP, PC/ABS, TR-ABS, ASA, Hyperier, Rotomoulding Lucel, Lucene, Lupoy, TR-ABS, LG ASA, Hyperier Biesterfeld Nordic AB
Stand C:24 Locating rings Meusburger also provides locating rings with pre-drilled screw holes. Meusburger Georg GmbH & Co. KG
Stand C:24 Locks Precise centring units in round and rectangular design enabling Meusburger Georg GmbH & Co. KG